Sunday 29 November 2009

Yummy Scrummy!

Well------did you check out those papers I told you about yesterday????

Well here's a few cards I made yesterday, hope they give you a bit of inspiration! They were so easy to make as everything co-ordinates together so well! There are some stamps - all chocolate themed but they hadn't arrived when I went to collect the goodies - boo hoo! Something great to look forward to though hey!

All the cards were made with papers and accents from the new Yummy Scrummy ranges at Craftwork Cards and all items are available on their website for you to devour! I'm back home tomorrow, so I'm unsure if I'll be able to post int he week due to lack of broadband!

Apologies for the pants photos - just taken them on my phone and haven't got any cropping programmes up here lol!
Oh, and before I forget, I'm off to a fan-dabby workshop day next Saturday by CraftworkCards at the Village Hotel in Leeds, there'll be workshops with Sue and Julie and all the team and even Santa is coming! - I can't wait!!!!!! I'm sure there are still a few spaces though if you'd like to come and join in the fun - details on the CWC website.

Sees ya later x

Saturday 28 November 2009

2 good 2 be true!

Well, as I sat there and committed myself to blogging away lots and lots (ie more than once a month!) and as I'd just posted the last post what should happen?

The internet died - I hate phoning Orange to sort it out as it's always so long winded but I needed the net so bad (that and the fact that my mum kept asking every 2 minutes when it would be up again) - like I knew?!? So I reported the fault to find out there was a problem with the actual broadband line - not my fault! So I'm waiting for it to get mended.

"How is she blogging now?" I hear you all ask - I'm always up at my lovely Mark's house at the weekend so I've snaffled his internet!

I'm off to use the fantastic new scrummy gorgeous papers from Craftwork Cards now:

So get your cute little butts over to their fan-dabby new website and check them out - I'll show you what I get made tomorrow! PROMISE! lol

Take care and have a fabby weekend x

Thursday 19 November 2009

2 posts in 2 days - don't go fainting on me now!

What a day! After a super long day at work and then 2 hours at the hospital with my gran there's no way I can even contemplate making a card or two.

So I thought I'd show you a couple of cards I made the other week with some My Mind's Eye papers. There papers are just gorgeous and I don't think they can ever go out of fashion.

I've used the size 0 cared by Craftwork Cards which are just 3 3/4" square. So cute and so quick to get realy good results. Let me know what you think!

Take care x

Wednesday 18 November 2009

So I'm guessing...

... you might be getting sick of my apologies by now!?! lol, Well I am really sorry. It's just been so busy for the last few weeks.

Mark and I had the first 2 weeks of November off work and were lucky enough to grab a second holiday in the sun this year (greedy, I know!) so we spent our time in Egypt - we have both been before so kind of knew what to expect and got a great late deal. This is my first week back at work and OMG! What a week so far! There is the proverbial poo flying at me from all directions. Isn't it amazing that the world of work grinds to a halt when you're off and when you're back everyone expects everything to be done yesterday lol - get a grip and wait you're turn! lol -- don't they realise I have a blog to do and cards to make?!?!

I'm making a new year's resolution now (as those made in January don't often last!) (Like my logic?!?!) - ok - I MUST BLOG AT LEAST 4 OR 5 TIMES PER WEEK!!

The internet has been down at home just about all this week though so that hasn't helped my cause!

I promise I'll post you some cards this week though - just wanted to let you all know what's cracking off!

Take care - back tomorrow! x