Saturday 28 November 2009

2 good 2 be true!

Well, as I sat there and committed myself to blogging away lots and lots (ie more than once a month!) and as I'd just posted the last post what should happen?

The internet died - I hate phoning Orange to sort it out as it's always so long winded but I needed the net so bad (that and the fact that my mum kept asking every 2 minutes when it would be up again) - like I knew?!? So I reported the fault to find out there was a problem with the actual broadband line - not my fault! So I'm waiting for it to get mended.

"How is she blogging now?" I hear you all ask - I'm always up at my lovely Mark's house at the weekend so I've snaffled his internet!

I'm off to use the fantastic new scrummy gorgeous papers from Craftwork Cards now:

So get your cute little butts over to their fan-dabby new website and check them out - I'll show you what I get made tomorrow! PROMISE! lol

Take care and have a fabby weekend x

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