Wednesday 18 November 2009

So I'm guessing...

... you might be getting sick of my apologies by now!?! lol, Well I am really sorry. It's just been so busy for the last few weeks.

Mark and I had the first 2 weeks of November off work and were lucky enough to grab a second holiday in the sun this year (greedy, I know!) so we spent our time in Egypt - we have both been before so kind of knew what to expect and got a great late deal. This is my first week back at work and OMG! What a week so far! There is the proverbial poo flying at me from all directions. Isn't it amazing that the world of work grinds to a halt when you're off and when you're back everyone expects everything to be done yesterday lol - get a grip and wait you're turn! lol -- don't they realise I have a blog to do and cards to make?!?!

I'm making a new year's resolution now (as those made in January don't often last!) (Like my logic?!?!) - ok - I MUST BLOG AT LEAST 4 OR 5 TIMES PER WEEK!!

The internet has been down at home just about all this week though so that hasn't helped my cause!

I promise I'll post you some cards this week though - just wanted to let you all know what's cracking off!

Take care - back tomorrow! x

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