Wednesday 30 September 2009

My! How time flies!

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to do another post - what a crap new blogger I am! I can't believe how the week has flown! Not even had chance to do my mojo monday or copic colour challenge yet! What is the world coming to?! lol

So, as promised I've made some cards (at last) using the pieces that I had stamped and coloured a little while ago with the copics. As those of you who have already visited my blog will know, I'm a complete newbie to the coipcs but am loving them and can't believe how I've survived without them so far! lol

I love the fact that you can you use any images and any papers and make everything match yourself. No worries about things co-ordinating anymore! I just grab my copics and away I go!

Hope you like them:

All of the images used are stamps from Craftwork Cards and the papers I've used on all of these cards are My Mind's Eye both Pretty Please and Abbey Road. My Mind's Eye are a bit of an all time favourite really as they always seem to go with my style well.

I hope you enjoy and hopefully my next post will be a damn sight quicker than this one! lol x

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