Monday 21 September 2009

A project and a half

So I had an idea the other day when I met a friend for a drink and we were talking 'shop'- the tiny birdhouses I've used to make the wreath that I showed you in a previous post; well I'm attempting to make an advent calendar with little gifts in each house to open each day of the advent season.

I have the picture in my head but actually bringing it to fruitition is going to take a little longer to make lol!

I promised my friend Sue, at Craftwork Cards that I'll have it done for the weekend for the show at Ally Pally, therefore I need to post it on Wednesday to make damn sure she gets it - so with little houses in the post to me today, by my calculations - that means I have - erm - one night to complete it lol!! Ouch!

Luckily I have one tiny house spare from my last project so I've made templates and drawn out all the shapes I need on the patterned paper - I'm relying on my trusty assistant - aka Mum - to cut out all the shapes tomorrow so when I get in from work and the gym (giving you an idea of how much time I'll have left!) I might have a spare half hour to stick all the papers to the houses and stick them all together! OMG!!!

Fingers crossed (so tightly the circulation is slowing) I'll be able to show you a picture of it tomorrow night - maybe even a before and after picture!

Take care - c u 2moro x

1 comment:

sue said...

Can't wait to see the results. Sue x